SF SAFE's New Year Message to the Community

To Our Cherished Community Partners:
This past year was not like any other in recent memory for most San Franciscans.
Together, we have witnessed the very real and heart-wrenching toll that the COVID-19 global pandemic has taken on all of us – physically, emotionally and
financially; straining our social systems, disrupting daily life, and disproportionately impacting those communities most vulnerable that continue to be under-resourced. Businesses shut doors, workers were furloughed, nonprofits asked to do more with less, our government facing deficits. Thankfully, given all of this turmoil, with strong leadership, dedicated first-responders and fearless public health officials, our city has fared better than most. We have collectively
weathered this storm with dignity and grace, meeting this moment with sound science, great empathy and the highest levels of personal responsibility
demonstrated by each of our residents.
This past year we have also heard renewed calls for civil rights, brought back to the top of our public consciousness in the face of persistent social injustice that continues to devastate our communities of color, while illuminating the stark realities of systematic racism that prevails throughout our society. San Francisco is not immune to these issues and we too must look ourselves squarely in the mirror as we pursue progress in our city. Whether it's pandemic or police reform, people of all walks of life are still hurting and we have a ways to go before we reach the Promised Land.
It is with this spirit that SF SAFE looks back on 2020 with gratitude for the work that you have enabled us to accomplish each and every day. We are proud to
partner alongside the diverse members of this community and serve as your trusted platform for public safety education, engagement and advocacy. We are
humbled to provide the resources that allow residents to take ownership over their own unique public safety needs and challenges. We are thankful for the
opportunities to build bridges between residents and our public safety officials. We are thankful for our residents' willingness to participate in the important community building process that shapes our neighborhoods.
Quite simply, you inspire us.
We know that sometimes it can feel as if each of us are doing it alone, but as we head into the new year, we want you to know that we are in it together. Our
team is always just a phone call away, standing by to support you. Together we will make 2021 a more safe, equitable and healthy year for everybody in our
community and we wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year.
Here's to continuing our tireless work together in 2021!
Kyra and the SF SAFE team