SFPD Announces New Captain Lineup at District Stations

The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) recently announced the new lineup of captains assigned by Chief William Scott to serve at the ten district stations throughout the city. Here are the new captains and their station assignments, with new assignments noted: 


Captain David Maron 

SFPD Bayview Station 

Captain Julian Ng

SFPD Central Station

Captain Derrick Lew (newly assigned)

SFPD Ingleside Station 

Captain Michael McEachern (newly assigned)

SFPD Mission Station 

Captain Derrick Jackson (newly assigned)

SFPD Northern Station

Captain Christopher Pedrini

SFPD Park Station


Captain Gaetano Caltagirone 

SFPD Richmond Station 

Captain Timothy Falvey

SFPD Southern Station

Captain Eric Vintero (newly assigned)

SFPD Taraval Station

Captain Chris Canning 

SFPD Tenderloin Station 

Not sure which SFPD police district you live in? Click here for the station finder where you can determine your local neighborhood station. SF SAFE recommends getting to know your station leadership, and the good news is, there’s plenty of ways to connect with captains.

One way to get to know your SFPD captain, station officers and the latest safety-centric news in your neighborhood is by signing up for your local station’s newsletter. Each police station issues a weekly newsletter with a letter from the station captain, specific crime stats and trends for the week, SFPD and station news, officer highlights, SF

SAFE safety tips and other key safety info related to the neighborhoods surrounding the station. Click here to get started by selecting your station and scrolling down the page to sign up for its newsletter.

Another great way to get to know your local station leadership, while also engaging in community policing, is by attending your SFPD station’s monthly Virtual Community Meeting on Zoom. Participating in these online meetings is a great way to keep informed about crime trends in your neighborhood so you can take preventative measures, and to voice any thoughts, info or concerns you have directly to the officers responsible for your neighborhood. Follow @sfsafe on Twitter to stay updated on all station meetings.

Want to go deep on your involvement with your local district station? Let them know you might be interested in serving on its CPAB. SF SAFE works with the SFPD on CPABs, which are groups of residents and business reps who assist in problem-solving surrounding crime and safety issues, and act as a “think tank” for community policing activities. Contact your local SFPD station for more info.