Starting the New Year Off on Safe Footing

Over the past year, our community has learned how crucial it is to make safety a top priority—whether it relates to our health or otherwise. SF SAFE has compiled some key ways to kick off the New Year on safe footing to protect yourself and those you care about, as well as the greater community.
COVID Safety: In the age of coronavirus, one of the most important ways to start the New Year off on safe footing is by keeping updated on San Francisco’s COVID-19 info. Clicking here will take you to, the City and County of San Francisco’s site that offers one-stop-shopping for all your COVID-19 news and info, from learning about the latest health guidelines to finding food resources to getting help with paying your utility bills and much more. SF SAFE recommends getting to know this site well and revisiting it frequently.
SFPD Newsletters: By signing up for your local SFPD station’s newsletter, you can keep closely connected to what’s happening in your neighborhood so that you can stay informed during these unprecedented times. Each police district issues a weekly newsletter with a letter from the station captain, specific crime stats and trends for the week, SFPD and station news, officer highlights, SF SAFE safety tips and other safety-centric info directly pertinent to the neighborhoods surrounding the station. Those wanting to weigh in on specific issues can email their station. Not sure which SFPD police district you live in? Click here to find your
local station.
SFPD Virtual Community Meetings: A great way to make it a safer 2021 for everyone is by attending your local SFPD station’s community meetings. Amid the pandemic, SFPD stations changed the script on their in-person monthly meetings and moved them to the virtual world of Zoom. Each SFPD station has its own monthly community meeting, typically run by that station’s captain. An SF SAFE representative also attends. Participating in these online meetings is an excellent way to keep informed about crime trends in your neighborhood so you can take preventative measures, and to voice any thoughts, info or concerns you might have directly to the officers responsible for your neighborhood. Follow @sfsafe on Twitter to stay updated on all station meeting dates.
Community Police Advisory Boards (CPABs): Want to go all-in on your commitment to a safer New Year? Contact your local police station and let them know you might be interested in serving on their CPAB! SF SAFE works with the SFPD on CPABs, which are groups of residents and business reps who assist in problem-solving surrounding crime and safety issues, and act as a “think tank” for community policing activities. Similar to SF SAFE’s Neighborhood Watch Groups, the CPABs are a way for community members to come together, problem solve and make San Francisco safer. Contact your local SFPD station for more info.
Remember to Park Smart: When parking in San Francisco in the New Year, it’s important to remember to ‘park smart” because vehicle break-ins continue to be an issue. What’s SF SAFE’s first rule of parking smart in San Francisco? Keep your vehicle’s interior and trunk clear by taking everything with you when you park on the street. If a thief sees your valuables through the windows—or spots you putting valuables in the trunk—you will likely be targeted. Other ‘Park Smart’ safe habits include: Turn off the ignition—never leave your car running unattended; keep your vehicle and tires in good condition—this helps prevent breakdowns which could strand you in a dark or unfamiliar place; lock your doors when you get in your car; if you see something, say something—if you see a motorist in distress, call 9-1-1 versus stopping to help; and if you are being followed, drive to the nearest police or fire station.
Garage Safety: Home burglaries remain a persistent issue in the city and many begin with a criminal accessing the rest of the house through its garage. In the New Year, consider reinforcing the glass on your garage door by adding vinyl adhesive to the windows. Many burglars gain entry to the home by breaking a window and finding a way to pull the emergency release cord. Avoid this by tying your emergency release cord into a small ball. Also consider installing an interior manual
garage door lock. These are just a few of the ways to start the New Year off on safer footing.
For more safety resources, visit SF SAFE’s website or contact us at [email protected].
-Kathy Chouteau